The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly. 
Richard Bach


Grace woke up early today. Just like any Monday she had to come to work before anyone else did to make sure the place is clean and the coffee machine is on. Grace was an office assistant. She worked in a beautiful tall building right at the centre of the city. You could see it from far. But not from her home...

She looked out of the window at the rainy grey morning and thought to herself that the road to work will be long. Grace lived three hours away from her office. Despite she had to do it almost every day for the last year, to her it still seemed light years away. Only getting longer with time.

First, she had to walk to a local bus that only ran once an hour, just to change to a bigger bus that connected to metro. Actually, to the most far-out metro station on the line. So it would take her another hour to get to the right metro station where she still needs to walk to her building. And all of it surrounded by thousands of people rushing to work in this big metropolis.

The thought of her morning journey made Grace want to just stay in bed and fall back asleep. But just like every Monday, she told herself that there was a big bright future awaiting her and she started getting ready to go. 

Recently even the shower stopped being a pleasure. For a while now the water coming from the tap looked suspiciously rusty. And although the landlord assured her that it was like that everywhere, it was difficult to believe. Besides, there was not enough pressure to push the water through a nice shower head she gave herself as a present for the last New Year. She sighed and got in anyway. If she had to keep the office looking clean, she couldn’t show up herself looking like a bump. 

This train of thought always distracted her from her morning routine and she was already running late. So she rushed into the kitchen looking for a sandwich and a coffee. The fridge was unsurprisingly empty. Having to commute every day for six hours she completely overlooked doing her groceries. She reached for a coffee pot but the coffee was out too. 

Blaming the bad weather and the long road for her forgetfulness, she put on makeup, her best and only office suit, and ran for the bus.

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